Successiory Seeking Social Media Management Clients

Successiory is looking for clients for 2014-2015! I'd like to get you over those social media hurdles that keep you from being effective - today. No more excuses, no more procrastination. Thanks to your 2013-2014 client interviews and surveys, I see that fear and feeling overwhelmed are the two (2) greatest obstacles. What are your other challenges? Let's face the beast head on. With a clear, simple strategy, I'll prove that there's nothing to fear.

Online & In-Person Services

I still offer the same services, but they're now remote/online as well! This eliminates one 'decision obstacle', getting you closer to being online.

All packages start with strategy development - via the strategy program or consulting, and continue with social media management and consulting on retainer. 

Book your Discovery Call today! Let's chat. Tuesdays to Thursdays, 1:30-3:30PM.

2014 Offers - Before You Commit

This year, we have also created two (2) highly discounted offers to let you test the waters!

  1. Successiory Website Offer: Click here for more [$2,000 (US$1,800) tax incl.]
  2. Successiory "How to" Workshop Series: Click here for more [$20 each, tax incl.]

Offers #1 and #2 above end December 15, 2014, so contact me soon to get started on either of these. It's first-come, first-served, so we look forward to hearing from you soon.

You, Successiory Clients

Successiory clients have been in business for at least four (4) years, so you're making a decent living on your revenue, but know you need to be online, and you finally have a bit to invest. You know that social media is a necessity, but something's keeping you back. Perhaps you're already on social media, but want results. Let's find out why and get past it - together.

Sounds like you? Book your Discovery Call, Tuesdays-Thursdays, 1:30PM-3:30PM. Still deciding? Find Successiory on Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus and LinkedIn or, subscribe to Successiory e-News, to gain further insights into why it's a great fit for you. Whether you're a coach, speaker, author, entrepreneur, small business owner or something far more unique, Let's Chat!

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