Sharing God (Part 1)

Persecution. What does it look like to you? How do you respond? 

Joyce Meyer says "hurt people hurt people"

and she always reminds her audience that people are not our enemy, but "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places" (

Ephesians 6:10-12 ESV

). It is for this reason that we are to "put on the whole armour of God" (

Ephesians 6:10-20 ESV

) - so we remember who we are, who we stand


and who we stand


 - so we can walk with eyes wide open. This is what drove

Paul's response to persecution


Acts 16:20-33 (ESV)

If you're fortunate enough to have less fatal persecution, you have even more of an opportunity to

respond in Love.

(Disclaimer: I'm not the authority on this. I fail here everyday; I too am learning. You're welcomed to hold me accountable.)


Please note:

this is not to say that you have to put your face under someone's boot.

Love does not enable bad behaviour

. Love stands,

but leaves room for offenders to receive

grace, mercy



The response you're called to is different in each situation, as each individual is 'persecuting' due to a different combination of

hurts, experiences, traumas




Written Word

gives guidance, but the

Living Word, Christ,

the written word made life through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, guides in each situation.

You have to get to know Him.

I was prompted to write this because, in

my walk as an entrepreneur,

I have come across quite a lot of persecution for what I believe. I am not overt in my Christianity, and I explain why below, but people shut down or get defensive, in North America, when they hear that you're Christian. I've always believed that

we don't need to "defend God", but we need to "Love people".

This year, that belief was truly tested.

Christ moved me to Love, Pray for and Bless.


Am I Persecuted? Am I Victim or Victor? Will I Cower, Argue or Love?

What does it look like to Respond in Love to Persecution?

Will you stand and share God? What does that mean to you? Fear of "being ashamed of God, lest He be ashamed of you" (

Mark 8:38 ESV


has led us to use Christ as a weapon, knowingly and unknowingly. This scripture, my beloved, is not about what you do with your lips, in every situation.

It's about the state of your heart.

  I do not in any way advocate being silent about our faith - we would be remiss in our love for God, our neighbors and our enemies, if we did. I am saying that, if our motive is always truly Love, then we'll know who, when and how, if at all. Sometimes, pray is our only call. My question is "are you listening?" Is your silence driven by 'love in Christ' or by 'fear of persecution'? It's not about letting everyone hear and see Jesus in literal ways all the time.

In fact, those He said He would say "depart from me; I never knew you" (

Matthew 7:21-23 ESV

) to, were very visibly seen bearing His name. Why do you think that is?

1 Corinthians 13 (ESV)

comes to mind - "if you have all these, but have not Love..." People always quote

1 Corinthians 13:4

at weddings, but

click and read

the whole chapter (just 13 verses).

Responding in Love meets needs.

It's not about you being heard or seen.

If we're really listening to the needs of others to meet them in Love, we find that that's not what people need. In a world hurt by the Church itself (we need to acknowledge our part in that),

it is the presence of God (of Love) in Christ that brings healing.

I'm not saying don't say Jesus' name; when asked, or when led by the Holy Spirit, definitely, but

let your heart's reason always be Love.

This is why

Paul and Peter went where they were invited or led.

Love honours the God-given free will of those we encounter, as God honours ours. Love forced is not love.

Love freely given and freely received is whole Love.


In light of all of this, what does responding in Love to Persecution really mean?

Will you go with God anywhere? Really? Are you sure?

Where are you willing to go to learn more about God?

Can you walk confidently in the supernatural, or is that your worst fear? What if there's an area of God's intimate Love that you can't meet until you go there? Will you go? I went into the 2014 Leadership Development Program, Level 1 (


) very skeptical, but I'll tell you, once you submit to hearing God, miracles happen. In October, we explored the culture of Salvation and Righteousness, but last month was the Supernatural. During the conversation, many expressed concern that 'young people' have moved away from the Church and "bought into" the "New Age" or "Universe" movement.

I ask you. If you can step out in faith, trusting that your God in Jesus Christ, through the Holy Spirit, will not let you be deceived,

why do you think the "New Age" or "Universe" movement is so appealing to them?

Is this the return of Paganism or is it inspired by the movement Holy Spirit? I'm not writing this to upset you. I know that many have been deceived by this. What I'm asking you, is why? Perhaps, as the Church, we've missed it

because we weren't listening.

If 'the young people' were heard, invited into the conversation meaningfully, honoured in their opinions and experiences, would we all have grown, or would they still have left? Do we really trust and follow our God everywhere? What's their example?

Fear, control, manipulation and bullying are attractive to no one.

They are not fruits of the Holy Spirit, and they have driven 'the youth' away, in favor of the places where they actually find the fruits of the Holy Spirit. So I ask you again - why do you think the "New Age" or "Universe" movement is so appealing to them? Are you awake, paying attention?

Freedom, boundless Love, Grace, those are attractive. AND it's what God promised.


Is the "New Age" movement really delivering what God promised? Is the Church?

Rediscovering God. What is the face of His Love Today?

Some say that 'the great revival' never ended,

but that we the Church stopped following when it meant going beyond boundaries that we could control. Recently, someone said that,

perhaps, the "New Age" or "Universe" movement has latched on to the revival,

simply because they were open, and we weren't. If God said "even the rocks will cry out", I imagine that He will work with whoever's listening. He even told the disciples, when they were having a hard time believing, to do His work and obey, and the testimonies of those they save will increase their faith.

The bridge, as always, is Christ.

His walk, His way. He Loved. He spoke of God as His father, as Love itself, to gentiles. Is your life an example?

Is Christ your barrier or your opening?

How does it work? In testing everything against the Word, and asking God to open my eyes, I've begun to see very plainly how much I've missed out on for fear of stepping out. Once I walked in Christ, when I listened to what my friends in the "New Age" or "Universe" movement were saying, I understood. I was no longer guardedly avoiding deception, but I was actively listening free in the knowledge that God would prevent deception. It was then, in that freedom, that

their words were "rightly divided in Christ".

It was so amazing!

I saw what was God's hand and what wasn't. I saw clearly what God's heart was for us as Christians -

to so want the freedom they walk in - that we'd pursue Him all the more, but now in new relationship!

In the supernatural, where a new level of intimacy lies. Where healing, miracles, love and freedom are possible. Where we are re-introduced to the power of our spoken words, in Christ. What it means to be responsible, in Christ, with our ability to speak things into being. Every new level of learning God leaves me in awe, in Love, anew. I invite you to join me. Pay attention to what's happening in the world, and you'll see your role in it.

You have a unique role!


Is the Holy Spirit's moving? Am I willing to find out? If yes, what's my role?

I pray that, in Christ,

your heart for Love abounds, casting out all fear. I pray that you find within yourself a burning desire to go to the ends of the earth, with God in Christ, to know Him better. I pray that you are led first by the Holy Spirit, and then by community that serves to reinforce what the Word says and build you up in your pursuit of God. Finally,

I declare that fear, manipulation, control and bullying are things of the past,

in your walk with God and Church, and that you move forward in the

love, faith, hope, joy and freedom

that God has called us into. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

What's your experience? What has persecution looked like for you? How have you responded? How would you have liked to respond?


part 2

, I explore some tangible examples of what I've discussed above, and some potential solutions.

Crystal-Marie Sealy

Mom First • Author • Keynote "Authenticity for Gentle Resilience" | Authenticity. Self-acceptance. Intuition and the Feminine.

Welcome to "Conversations with Crystal-Marie", honouring your individual sovereignty. Embrace what resonates, release what doesn't.

I'm Crystal-Marie Sealy. Get to know me here. Once you're comfortable, let's see:

✓ How I can support you more deeply here.

✓ How my keynote can best serve your audience.

✓ How my book(s) support you best.

If you are open to attracting an easier lifestyle, whether based on health or values, you'll find insights around:

​✓ Authenticity for Gentle Resilience. Embracing all of who you are, without apology or resentment of those who don't get it. Compatibility and individual sovereignty are key.

✓ The Feminine. Embracing the true feminine, maiden to crone. Dispelling myths, including those around the shadow, not toxicity. Intuition is key.

In ease, ebb and flow, love, abundance, possibility. (previously

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