The Healing Power of Love

Good morning, Beloved.

May God in Christ bless you and keep in the guidance and comfort of the Holy Spirit as you embark on your new journey.

Hear me as I say this, brothers and sisters:

We are on a new journey.

 It's time to stop waiting for the fear to subside before we act. Understand that



taking the risk, despite fear, by faith, driven by


. What purpose are you procrastinating about, putting off, for fear? Why don't we choose to be finished with fear. Break up with it. Tell fear you'll no longer be holding it's hand as you step into the unknown. Then simply stop agreeing with and walking in fear.

Throughout your life, and in the Word, you'll see that the

opposite of fear is Love.

Literally. The opposite of fear appears to be courage, but only because courage is the manifestation of love in action. It is love that drives us to want and pursue what is best for those we love, regardless of the price. I caution, though, that fear is an equally powerful motivator. This is why it is so important

which one you foster a relationship with.

Recognizing Fear

Many of us have grown so used to fear that we don't recognize it in our lives. It snuck in and insidiously slipped into all kinds of crevices we're yet to uncover.

It often masks itself as love,

in the form of parents, spouses, peers, who control, manipulate and do whatever it takes

to keep us from harm

. Please know that I do not say this so we can judge. We have both been those people and been influenced by them. Fear says things like:

  • "the reality is <insert why you can't>"

  • "know your limits"

  • "if you do that, <insert negative outcome> will happen"

Fear says, often without saying it, that "you can't". I want you to understand that it is often those who love us that say these things (or who we love that we say these to), and who we listen to. Understand also that, while their love is what fear used to make them confuse

holding us back



 the one driving is still fear - not love.



know our limits. God set boundaries for sleep, eat, work, mourning, alone time, so we learn self care.

Boundaries help us stay whole so we can achieve the impossible.

 Boundaries give us a "No", so we don't spread ourselves thin, but boundaries do not say "you can't".

Note: To those of us (I've been there) who've knowingly or unknowingly

"tell the truth in love"

: In light of all of this,

is love really the motive,

or do you just need to get it off our chests? Love is pretty direct and it literally never hurts, us or others. Love invites us (and others) to face truth in a safe place - and the truth often hurts - but love is always the cushion. Ask yourself: if not love, what is the real driver? What fear is the driver? Fear of 'seeming ashamed' of God? Fear that the person might hurt themselves? Fear that leads to impatience, anger or doubt? You may truly love that person, but was love really at the root of that action?

Fostering Love

The relationship with Love, then, has to be redefined. We need to make the time (boundaries - time away from being all things to all people) to sit with our thoughts, face our fears and identify all the areas where

we've confused fear with love.

As you do that, you'll begin to see all the ways you've held yourself back, held others back or allowed yourself to be held back by others.

(Read the section "Love. Nothing else." below if you starting getting angry with, or judging, yourself or anyone else.)

Choose to love yourself in every moment of realization. Do not attack. None of us learn these lessons until we're ready.

It's uncomfortable doing this at first, but once you do, you will be so liberated, so powerful, that no one will be able to hold you back anymore. This is why Love is the strongest weapon. As you develop those muscles (it takes time), you'll start recognizing fear and love immediately, and you'll be empowered to choose - every time. When you slip (we're human), you'll recognize that this moment is what Christ died to free us from. You'll immediately release yourself from the guilt and shame, take only the lesson, and keep moving forward. When you learn to be that gracious with yourself, you'll be able to extend that grace to others.

Fostering this love first within yourself is important. It has to be powerful in you for it to consistently be effective outside of you, in any environment you might enter. Loving yourself this way lets you:

  • Set clear boundaries for you WHILE freeing others to do the same. You can say "No" when you have no energy or no time without saying "sorry", and you become a safe place for others to do the same.

  • Have healthier relationships with friends, colleagues, family, because you're no longer afraid of being your full self (imperfect and beautiful in your humanity), true to yourself, WHILE extending the grace for them to be, as well.

  • Set any goal for yourself and, by faith with action, achieve every one in the midst of many mistakes, regardless of how many times you hear "you can't" WHILE proving to everyone, even the nay-sayers, that they can too.

You can only be effective in loving others this way, if you first love yourself this way.

It takes some level of self-awareness, which you need some alone time to achieve. It is only when you're free of all the skeletons, when they're bared and you're okay with it. When you can, in every area of your life, be yourself, you invite others to the same.

THIS is the starting point.

Ground zero. The base of any ladder you choose to climb.

It is from here that we find and start (uninhibitedly) pursue our purpose.

Our purpose is a manifestation of love - success

at work, self care, relationships, in our own lives give us a platform to teach others to do the same.

Love is patient, kind...

1 Corinthians 13:1-13

is all true.

This means you never 'make' someone see. We couple love with faith and let things take course naturally.

One additional aspect of this is that we speak things into being as sons and daughters of God. Enough of us agreeing with the enemy about what we see on the news, even in our lives.

The power of life and death lie in the tongue.

We say with 'certainty' the negatives we see, but beg God for good things, while doubting (remember

James 1:6-8

). Take the certainty you apply when you believe the evil you see, and retrain your spirit, soul and body to apply it to good. Stop begging, and go boldly as Jacob did and make it happen.

Declare it in faith, instead of begging uncertainly.

It will come. Sit and picture (see, smell, taste) what that good will look like, and speak it. Do it from a place of peace, rest and Love. Not anger. Try it! :)

Love. Nothing else.

Remember, we're not judging others.

Very often, they really didn't know better - even if they knew they were controlling, they didn't know why. Moreover, you will keep meeting people like this until they all learn what you've learned.

Don't go after them for closure, because very often, they can't give it.

They'd have to first realize what you just realized, then they'd have to battle pride (also a brainchild of fear) to give you closure. Release them from the hurt and anger they've caused, forgive right away, so you're not in bondage to that moment anymore. Forgiveness is about healing you, moving you forward.

You see,

the world needs the real you

free of fear, full of love, to heal. You need to believe, though.

Are you ready?

Crystal-Marie Sealy

Mom First • Author • Keynote "Authenticity for Gentle Resilience" | Authenticity. Self-acceptance. Intuition and the Feminine.

Welcome to "Conversations with Crystal-Marie", honouring your individual sovereignty. Embrace what resonates, release what doesn't.

I'm Crystal-Marie Sealy. Get to know me here. Once you're comfortable, let's see:

✓ How I can support you more deeply here.

✓ How my keynote can best serve your audience.

✓ How my book(s) support you best.

If you are open to attracting an easier lifestyle, whether based on health or values, you'll find insights around:

​✓ Authenticity for Gentle Resilience. Embracing all of who you are, without apology or resentment of those who don't get it. Compatibility and individual sovereignty are key.

✓ The Feminine. Embracing the true feminine, maiden to crone. Dispelling myths, including those around the shadow, not toxicity. Intuition is key.

In ease, ebb and flow, love, abundance, possibility. (previously

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