It's never not Now. Inspired moments.

Quoting myself from an Instagram post,


"It's never not now". So well said.

I always picture a timeline... and when we're running through life, not focused on the "now", each missed moment is the breadth of a thread... but when we are completely present in that moment, it becomes infinitely broader, more colourful, denser, it even smells and tastes better, and intuition, and other senses are invited in... that's the picture in my head, but my Goodness, he said it well.

" --

Crystal-Marie Sealy, @Successiory on Instagram

I keep meaning to draw that visual - it's so beautiful in my mind - maybe I'll update this post when I finally do create it. 

Inspired by this image: 

Truly, how much freedom will you find if you lived just right now. Sure, plan and reflect, but spend most of your time in the now - what would that do for you? 

Food for thought.

In love and light, 

Crystal-Marie S.

#BePresent #LiveInTheNow #TakeTheTime #MakeTheTime #ThingsTakeTheTimeTheyTake #SlowDown #InTheMoment #Successiory #CrystalMarieSealy #ThisTimeAndSpace