Social Media - Outsource or Hire?

Social Media - Outsource or Hire?

This is not the outsourcing versus in-house debate. This question arises only after you've already decided that you don't, currently, have one (or more) of these three (3) - time, expertise or resources - to devote to social media in-house. Today Successiory's blog post focuses on outsourcing versus hiring. 

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What social media services can $500 get you

What social media services can $500 get you

My previous post, what social media costs and why, presented the difference between general social media management services and those of experts, and the associated costs. Entrepreneurs who offer valuable services know that, in everything, you get what you pay for. Still, there is value to be derived from $100, preliminary research and an hour to spare - even from social media professionals. Here's how.

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