$1.5M CEO. Releasing our Judgements on Pricing

Internally, getting clear on what it costs to live well and stay in business helps you better appreciate why you need to raise your pricing. What happens, however, when the conversation turns outward - a prospect, a colleague, your peers? Are you equally as comfortable standing your ground with them? What happens when the pricing part of your client engagement starts?

In the second video in my series on pricing, in "Business for Your Lifestyle", I ask a question that explores another aspect of our thinking, that we can gently release to more firmly stand our ground. Our subconscious judgements around pricing. Few of us are trained to think of the actual cost of things we use - production, manufacturing, labour costs that allow manufacturers to also live well. Our judgements make that clear. "Free" and "discount" have been normalized. Ideally, I absolutely agree that we shouldn't be the only beings on earth who have to pay to live here. Until then, we live in a financial system. To thrive, we need to earn more than we spend.

Once we step into business full-time, we're forced to face the real costs, if we're to stay afloat. These judgements that we apply outwardly, however, hold us back. Why? Well, the way we judge others is often the way we judge ourselves. What do you really think of your pricing?

More in this video.

Will You Try It?

Are you up for this relatively quick reflection? If you try it, let me know how it goes. My only tip in this invitation is that you be gentle with yourself. It's the easiest way to release what no longer works and explore mindsets that do.

Need help sealing your new mindset? Let's chat!

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Crystal-Marie Sealy, MBA, is a keynote speaker and entrepreneurial strategy consultant focused on sustainable business models for premium services entrepreneurs and professionals. President and founder of Successiory and her signature "Mindful Entrepreneurship for Mindful Affluence™", Crystal-Marie works with professionals who want to build sustainable (livable) business models around their lifestyles and create sustainable client community on social media. She also speaks and delivers workshops at business and motivational conferences on authenticity, entrepreneurial strategy pricing, process, and pace i.e. feasible schedules and productivity and client social media community. Connect with her and subscribe at www.successiory.ca