Social Media Connections (2): Relevant community growth

Social Media Connections (2): Relevant community growth

This is part 2 of the Successiory Blog's "Social Media Connections" series. This post discusses the importance of tying social media tactics to a clear strategy in order to build a Relevant Community that has a genuine interest in your products and services - a community that is actively engaged. Whether you outsource your social media services or keep them in-house, this post can help you focus your efforts.

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Social Media Connections: Show me your friends

Social Media Connections: Show me your friends

This is part 1 of the "Social Media Connections" series. "Show me your friends and I'll tell you who you are" is not necessarily true in life, but in social business, it's easy to get pigeon-holed. This post discusses some of the risks involved in leveraging wide-net social media tactics that attract a large number of people, few of whom will remember you tomorrow. It encourages you to examine the long-term impacts of certain tactics as well.

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Social Media, a Word to the Wise

Social Media, a Word to the Wise

Social media is a valuable tool for branding businesses and individuals alike, but equally important is managing privacy.  This post sheds some light on challenges to manage when leveraging social media as a professional...or even for personal use.

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A warm welcome from Successiory

A warm welcome from Successiory

Successiory was founded to help organizations and individuals, that really care, to reach those who can benefit most from their products and services; organizations and individuals that don't believe in creating unnecessary demand, but in meeting existing demand, known or unknown. Entrepreneurs, small- and medium-sized enterprises, non-profit organizations, new niches and individuals, welcome.

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