Author update. Co-author, Voices of the 21st Century, WSA

I had every intention of my next book being a solo project and said that on my Amazon author page, but when this opportunity came along, I had to take it.


Women Speakers Association® (WSA) is offering something different, in this powerful co-authored volume, “Visions of the 21st Century” It truly invites my feminine into the story. The bestseller that I co-authored in 2015 — you can still find it on my Amazon page — focused on paralysing perfectionism, but this one takes a look at something we rarely touch, in polite society and certainly not in professional circles. It is not an obviously feminine matter, but if you're familiar with the feminine, you can see that the response is feminine.

Stay tuned for the launch in April / May 2020. Mine is just one of the moving, heart-centered stories that I hope will inspire you to breathe more deeply, and embrace yourself more fully. Click below to follow me on Amazon, for updates nearer the launch!

Or if you like Goodreads, click below to follow me there.

My chapter in this mazing anthology is just a taste of what's coming in my first solo book, so stay tuned for that too.

I hope to help keep your soul fed, your self-love afloat and your dreams alight. Cheers, to a life overflowing with possibility!


About Crystal-Marie

Crystal-Marie Sealy, MBA, is a dedicated mom, keynote speaker, author and strategy consultant. As author and speaker, Crystal-Marie is focused on resilience through authenticity, self-acceptance and individual sovereignty. Her business talks are around mindful entrepreneurship through pricing, lean process, and feasible schedules for inspired creativity and focused productivity. She also delivers corporate training around client-centric social media strategy. As a strategy consultant, and president and founder of Crystal-Marie Sealy—previously Successiory (2011-2019)—Crystal-Marie's signature "Mindful Entrepreneurship for Mindful Affluence™" empowers premium service professionals to create businesses they can truly thrive in. Good-bye rate race. Hello blue ocean. Earn more. Work less. Serve better clients, better. Connect with Crystal-Marie at