Cheers to Women. Happy Women's Day

Cheers to Women. Happy Women's Day

Happy International Women's Day. "In honour of real women everywhere, honouring our bodies, energy, needs, rhythms, cycles, desires, our feminine phases, unique spirituality, more. May love for #women abound." — Crystal-Marie Sealy

Today, I honour only women — everyone else will have their day. Today, though, I honour Women. Welcome.

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For a time. Moments, Lifetimes, Seasons

For a time. Moments, Lifetimes, Seasons

If they've become permanently incompatible we remember, that we are in each other's lives for a time. Sometimes it's for one or several moments, sometimes for a lifetime and sometimes for different seasons. If they're momentarily incompatible, we remember and honour individual sovereignty, honouring our needs and boundaries in that moment.

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Birthdays and Moments

Birthdays and Moments

Another beautiful trip around our Sun. Looking at how quickly the time flew between 40 and this 41st year of mine, it’s such a great reminder of how each moment makes up a year. Hoping to be more present in as many moments as possible, this year. Following what intuitively feels best this year, too…

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Farewell Autumn. Thank you for the Dark

Farewell Autumn. Thank you for the Dark

Farewell Autumn. Thank you for the Dark. Remember, neither in absolute dark nor in absolute light, are we able to see. We need both. 🌒🌕🌘🌑☀️ In Love, light and shadow (not toxicity), embracing all aspects of ourselves 🌺

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Self-acceptance. No need to normalize everything.

Self-acceptance. No need to normalize everything.

Human rights, individual sovereignty, freedom, diversity in general on planet earth, yes, normalize. These are things I had believed were already the norm, until 2020. If you're looking for a cause, I'd say those are noble ones.  Fighting for exotic aspects of ourselves, our insecurities and our unique gems, to be normalized, and imposing them all on others, is not noble. Is there a line? What aspects of you are within the “normal” range, and which are unique? Why normalize those?

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What if? My vision. Living free on Earth

What if? My vision. Living free on Earth

In this one, I share a video my journey in moving from being a strategy consultant for mindful entrepreneurship with a clear lens on pricing services, to being more than open to a world where we actually live on our planet for free. An invitation to simply imagine how it would feel and what life could be like.  As I share my vision in the rest of the blogpost, what comes up for you?  What would it look and feel like for you, to live for free on Earth?

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Authenticity. Compatibility and Opposition. Self IS we are One

Authenticity. Compatibility and Opposition. Self IS we are One

Self. Knowing the self sparks a fascination with the Self in others. It does not spark a need to control, limit or define the Self in others. Simply a fascination with the other that makes you really want to see the magic that unfolds as they truly emerge. An invitation to explore the paradox, not the contradiction, of the potent Self and that we are all one.

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Authenticity. Parenting as Entrepreneurs

Authenticity. Parenting as Entrepreneurs

Once I truly embraced that I genuinely wanted to be Mom first and entrepreneur second—once I released all resistance around it—things flowed. I got invited to speak at the “Women in Business with Kids” summit, I finally published one of my children's books, “The Brave Little Puffer Fish: Authenticity for Children”, everything flowed! What do you need to release and embrace to step more fully into what you want? I hope you feel supported by this post…

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