Authenticity allowed — for Service Professionals

Authenticity allowed — for Service Professionals

I really do believe we attract what we focus on, and what we believe — in fear or in love. I believe — and perhaps that belief is why I attract the experience — that this applies to the people and relationships we attract as well, clients included.

When we shift our mindsets to focus on what we love or what brings us joy, and we begin to recognize that we inherently believe that, and not the thing we feared. The momentum of that takes a little time to show up, so it may seem as if we’re still attracting the previous focus, when in fact the shift simply hasn't yet shown up in our physical reality yet. Exciting, isn't it? That means we just need to stay focused on what we want, rather than fear, to see more of what we want. In my experience, it is quite literal, and it happens more readily now, than when I first started focusing more mindfully. Here’s one look at a small mindset shift that helped.

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Feminine energy is not Feminist

Feminine energy is not Feminist

Feminine energy is not Feminist. If you follow the hashtag #feminine on LinkedIn, it's slow to start, but there's already so much magic there. 🌺 It also shows that there's room to blossom there. Here’s one example of that room to blossom. Check out this LinkedIn post and the related comments…

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Why success flows from your Comfort Zone

Why success flows from your Comfort Zone

Your comfort zone is your friend. It is not boring, it is not a prison, it is where you breathe most deeply, where you feel safe and secure, where you are most confident. Your stretch zone is just beyond the boundary of your comfort zone, and often eventually becomes your new comfort zone, as you grow and evolve authentically and at your own pace. What do you think your energy levels would look like if you lived by this? Read more here.

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Advisors and community that honour your Individual Sovereignty

Do you feel more confident and secure in your own decision making process after you engage with your advisors or mentors? I have observed this widely accepted (perhaps cultural) trend of condescension, among gurus, coaches, consultants and other advising professionals.

In essence, whether they're congratulating a client patronizingly, or giving clients a "kick in the pants" for taking "too long" to do something, it's becoming the mainstream approach to dishonour people's inherent wisdom.  I don't believe someone who respects your individual sovereignty, i.e. your right, responsibility and basic ability to govern your own life well, will ever engage with you in that way.  You?

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Give the Gurus a break. They're human.

Give the Gurus a break. They're human.

I believe that you are the wisest person to talk to about yourself. I believe you should beware anyone who tells you otherwise. I remember someone being upset that a much revered influencer said, "If you can't manage your own weight, how can you manage a business?" Now, this is one of those mainstay figure-head meditation gurus who's been around forever. My natural fierce-Momma instinct (made more so now that I have an actual baby) was to write him off completely - I mean, here was this person, an embodiment of perfection, being made to feel doomed to fail because someone, who doesn't even know that person, couldn't recognize that everyone... everyone... is great at some things and not at others. So where does the guru's role end and where does your role begin?

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Rethink Project Management. Your Schedule Revisited

Rethink Project Management. Your Schedule Revisited

In "A Day in the Life of... You", I touched very lightly on this in terms of making time for social media without getting sucked down the 'rabbit hole'. Here, we look more wholly at your schedule in general, based on your routine, your habits and your need for interaction or alone-time to keep your effective in business... and in Life. You see, there's no set process that works for everyone. You don't have to be a "morning person" or a "night owl" or "burn the candle at both ends" to thrive. You simply need to be honest with You about what works for You. What does that look like?

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Big enough! A business for you by you

Big enough! A business for you by you

Big enough business for you by you was written to inspire those exploring the option of entrepreneurship to stick with it, or to closely examine their reasons for doing so. Yes, it isn't for everyone, but no one else should determine whether or not it's for you. If you start your business for your own personal or professional reasons, the only thing in your way - literally - is you. Find sources of motivation and keep going.

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