"The Brave Little Puffer Fish —Authenticity for Children”. My first children's book

"The Brave Little Puffer Fish —Authenticity for Children”. My first children's book

"The Brave Little Puffer Fish —Authenticity for Children"

Written for children 0-5 years old, caregivers who value self-acceptance, at any age and stage. Even when you're a Puffer Fish!

Here’s a brief look at why I wrote, or rather published, this book.

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Authenticity. Shadow versus Toxicity

Authenticity. Shadow versus Toxicity

Toxicity is the nature of aspects within yourself that are not inherently yours. Your Shadow is your innate protector, honouring all aspects of your self. Who told you they were the same? Let's see why your Shadow is important, in Love.

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Self-care Overflows. It starts in the early years.

Self-care Overflows. It starts in the early years.

Caring for others is important, but we really miss where compassion for others is born. A sense of duty and responsibility will never fuel “caring for others” like genuine love can. I really believe that, in early years—and this gets overlooked so often—we learn this when we learn, first, what care feels like within ourselves.

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Authenticity invites Emotion “and” Intellect. Not “or”

Authenticity invites Emotion “and” Intellect. Not “or”

Much of academia, religion, society, tell us that the weak are driven by emotion. Yet, they use our emotions to control us. Guilt, shame, hope, nostalgia. In shopping, priorities, food, habits, relationships. An ad, a movie, a book generated an emotional response that fed your decisions in those areas. Have You explored any of this, yourself? I mean truly gone deep within yourself for answers?

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Authenticity and the Victim. It matters

Authenticity and the Victim. It matters

Authenticity inevitably drops shame for peace in the midst of this aspect of life. True self-acceptance, as you are, self-love, self-trust, allows you to leave all the victim-shaming where it is, and expand your comfort zone to be okay with the messy phase of being the victim.  If it helps…

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Please, Enjoy Being Human

Please, Enjoy Being Human

"Dont forget to enjoy being human. After a lot of years of being too spiritual, I'm waking up to my body and soul as good, beautiful, important parts of the human experience! Don't miss out on it while here!" -- Crystal-Marie Sealy, MBA, Mom

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The 2020 Shift in Women and Work for Me

The 2020 Shift in Women and Work for Me

Upasana 'Uppi’ Doshi, one of the most passionate people I met while reading for my MBA at the Schulich School of Business, York University, wrote this LinkedIn article (link in blogpost), after seeing headlines about women leaving the workforce (2020). If you're feeling this deeply as well, I believe you will find solace and a sense of support in her article. I truly empathize with this lens on the shift, and many of us will feel and experience it as she has. What I share, here, is a lens that takes this shift and (hopefully) awakens a greater sense of possibility within you.

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Phases of the Feminine

Phases of the Feminine

Happy to give this talk, as well, if it resonates with you and your audience. If you saw this first on Instagram, I've reframed it here to invite us, as feminine women, to honour ourselves, rather than focus on society, as I did on Instagram. May you find the invitation here to come home to yourself.

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