Money, well-being and the feminine professional

Money, well-being and the feminine professional

Here is why a clear pricing strategy matters for service professionals. Product industries have clearer, tangible lines in the sand about cost of production, salaries and overhead. It's why you won't dare go to a grocery and expect to get that head of lettuce if you're a penny short. Knowledge industries, however, are not so clear. Read on to see where well-being and the feminine come in.

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The Gift of Pricing. Save more than Money

The Gift of Pricing. Save more than Money

Gifts. We remember them for others but often forget ourselves. Sometimes we remember them for others, but forget that, once given, it's theirs to use as they see fit. The Gift of Pricing, as I reference it here, is the same. Is it for you - the service or the invitation here, to awaken - or is there someone who'd love to receive this blog post or 5-week pricing strategy? For some, just what's written here is enough to inspire you to set the pricing you deserve, and to honour yourself in sticking with it.

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Reframing Authenticity without Resentment or Rebellion

Reframing Authenticity without Resentment or Rebellion

Honouring individual sovereignty and free will means I respect that everyone who is alive, and healthy, is capable of making the best decisions for themselves, and their lives, uninfluenced by anyone else. I cringe when I hear coaches and teachers talking about "pushing" or giving "a kick in the pants", because I know it diminishes individual power. I believe we all take action when we're intrinsically ready, and action taken before that often leads to doubt, wondering “what if”, imposter syndrome and subconsciously grieving what we lost. So how does this apply to authenticity, and how do resentment and rebellion fit into any of it? Read on…

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Advisors and community that honour your Individual Sovereignty

Do you feel more confident and secure in your own decision making process after you engage with your advisors or mentors? I have observed this widely accepted (perhaps cultural) trend of condescension, among gurus, coaches, consultants and other advising professionals.

In essence, whether they're congratulating a client patronizingly, or giving clients a "kick in the pants" for taking "too long" to do something, it's becoming the mainstream approach to dishonour people's inherent wisdom.  I don't believe someone who respects your individual sovereignty, i.e. your right, responsibility and basic ability to govern your own life well, will ever engage with you in that way.  You?

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Resilience. Admitting when it hurts

Resilience. Admitting when it hurts

Why can’t I say it hurts? I grew up in a "suck it up and wear a smile" culture, but that is not restricted to where I grew up.  It didn't help that dance performances reinforced that message in the physical as well, and that I have been dancing for most of my life.  I truly thought resilience meant being able to smile, breathe and function like a well-adjusted individual, regardless of what happens to you.  I've been through some brutal things and came out smiling because I thought that meant I was no one's victim. What’s your journey been like? Where is it taking you now? I hope this inspires a greater sense of freedom to simply Be.

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Give the Gurus a break. They're human.

Give the Gurus a break. They're human.

I believe that you are the wisest person to talk to about yourself. I believe you should beware anyone who tells you otherwise. I remember someone being upset that a much revered influencer said, "If you can't manage your own weight, how can you manage a business?" Now, this is one of those mainstay figure-head meditation gurus who's been around forever. My natural fierce-Momma instinct (made more so now that I have an actual baby) was to write him off completely - I mean, here was this person, an embodiment of perfection, being made to feel doomed to fail because someone, who doesn't even know that person, couldn't recognize that everyone... everyone... is great at some things and not at others. So where does the guru's role end and where does your role begin?

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The Audacity

I invite you to ponder that word.


What kinds of thoughts come to mind? Does the word inspire

negative, positive



thoughts? Why do those words come to mind? Do you know why?

If the word


inspired thoughts of words or phrases like

arrogance, inconsiderate, bossy


how could you,

then perhaps the word


has been reserved for people who violate the boundaries of others. I invite you to consider, however, that it may also have been used to

limit those who dare to dream

or be different. Perhaps it's been an attempt to hold back those who dare to live life now rather than "when I grow up", "when I have more experience or education" or the unspoken "when everyone ahead of me (essentially) wouldn't feel threatened". Is that possible?

If I ask, now, what's holding you back? Is there another item on that list?

I invite you, now, to see

another side of


If you had to find positive thoughts to associate with the word, what would they be? Can you make that leap?

What if I said that, today, I associate the word Audacity with terms like

empowered, driven,

fearlessly pursuing ones dream,

courageous, bold,

focused on the goal,

no longer held back by ones fears

and choosing to live ones purpose regardless of setbacks, lack of approval and accepted norms? Is that a perspective you can share? 

Consider this. If you have one life to live, and you don't know if you'll die tomorrow, why don't you have

the audacity

to live the life you want now? Why should perfectionism, fear of disapproval, fear of rejection, fear of ... fill in the blanks... get to live life for you?

You put them in charge, and only you can change that, to free you.

It's time for


to be


Not with the lives of others but with your life!

I should let you know that you'll probably never be perfectly ready, but it has to be worth it. Remember:

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the product of Love that's too large to be contained™".

The world needs you to be exactly who you are right now - to inspire greatness in someone else, to prevent someone from giving up on their 10,001th try - for any number of reasons. You, however, need you to be, embrace and thoroughly love, you first. It is only then that you can be anything to anyone else.

You have to first love you.

There is no motivation like it. Once you spark that fire,

you can't help but love others.

For me, it is the love of God in Christ that showed me this. For you it may be something else. Whatever it is, take the time to know and love you - your physique, your mind, your will, your emotions, your desires.

Do you know you?

What are your dreams?

I invite you to consider that those dreams are

not too big, too small or too ridiculous.

They simply are, and you may not yet be able to see how they fit into the grand scheme of things, but they do.

Go be Audacious!

Let me know how it goes!