Please, Enjoy Being Human

Please, Enjoy Being Human

"Dont forget to enjoy being human. After a lot of years of being too spiritual, I'm waking up to my body and soul as good, beautiful, important parts of the human experience! Don't miss out on it while here!" -- Crystal-Marie Sealy, MBA, Mom

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10 Tips for Mindful Business (video series)

10 Tips for Mindful Business (video series)

Welcome. If you followed me throughout my #10TipsforMindfulBusiness video series, I would like to thank you for engaging and sharing just what this meant to you. I also want to thank Yulia Urukova Martins for inviting me to join, and Bobby Umar, Kira Day, Lila Smith, Jake Jordan, and Joe Apfelbaum for creating the #10Tips10Days series in the first place! I have also shared my part of this series on Instagram, if you’re more active there. I have compiled all ten videos — twelve, including my welcome and thank you videos — so you can find them all in one place, if you missed them, or want to revisit any. Enjoy!

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Ready. Authenticity and your Comfort Zone

Ready. Authenticity and your Comfort Zone

“All true parts of you enhance your well-being. Your comfort zone too. Sit out the fad of "getting out of it". Watch your peace of mind return. Why? It isn't stuck. It is rest, the womb. It's where the next step begins... when you're Truly ready.” — Crystal-Marie Sealy, MBA, Mom.

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The Laws of Karma and Attraction — Another Lens

The Laws of Karma and Attraction — Another Lens

A major aspect of both authenticity and self-acceptance is clarity on the beliefs that drive our thoughts, words and actions. If you believe that, “if you can dream it it is possible”, then that genuinely programs your subconscious to fuel thoughts, words and actions that resonate with that belief. If you believe that, “nothing ever happens without hard work”, then you will find that your thoughts, words and actions reflect that. Whatever you believe, however, is your truth—andnthat brings peace of mind. How do these laws fit?

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Different — Authentic. Audacious. Liberating.

Different — Authentic. Audacious. Liberating.

I have not met anyone who I have gotten to know deeply, who is the same as anyone I had met before. Have you? I wonder why, then, we are still hooked on defining “belonging” as “being the same”? In all of my tangible and intuitive research, no group of people — team, family, race, religion, ethnicity, education level or area of expertise — are ever truly the same.

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The opportunity inherent in this pandemic

The opportunity inherent in this pandemic

In a world that usually makes sure we’re always too busy for deep introspection, to find out who you really are and — beyond the panic, beyond survival mode, of a pandemic — what you really, deeply, want most out of this life, is an opportunity I invite you to immerse yourself in, if you can.

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Author update. Co-author, Voices of the 21st Century, WSA

Author update. Co-author, Voices of the 21st Century, WSA

Another best-seller coming your way! Stay tuned for the launch in April / May 2020. Mine is just one of the moving, heart-centered stories that I hope will inspire you to breathe more deeply, and embrace yourself more fully. Read on to follow me on Amazon, for updates nearer the launch!

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